Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Promises made...Promises broken

(Rom 7:15) I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. NIV

Lately, I engage in an endless series of debates with people whom I respect yet whom I do not agree with--concerning Christianity and Spirituality. When I was first saved in January of 1993, I was in a charismatic church and was taught the basics of Protestant Charismatic Christianity 101. I was taught not to engage in fruitless debates with those who did not share my beliefs, and to only associate with like-minded people. It took almost 15 years before i felt comfortable with questioning my own beliefs..(not doubting, mind you) and I am no longer afraid to question the answers that I have been taught. I am certain that God does not disapprove of me using my mind as long as the intentions of my heart line up.

Some of the more recent and ongoing questions that I have brought up and examine introspectively in my own beliefs are:

1) Does God use non-believers? Are believers any more special than non-believers?
2) Is everyone potentially saved? If not, does God foreknow who will eventually be damned? Is this fair?
3) Are all of our prayers simply "Thy Will Be Done?" Does God already know exactly what His plan will be? Can we influence Him through our prayers? If so, is prayer for our benefit or for Gods?

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